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If the product arrived damaged or in poor condition and/or you wish to make a return, you have 15 days to process it. The transportation is at the costumer's expense.

Shipping is paid by the costumer.

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The shipments are completely free.

Due to high order demand, order processing time may take up to 3 to 5 business days.

Shipments take 6 to 10 business days, depending on the destination.

Discount until October 5th

Once the offer ends, products will return to their original price.

Square Magic Tulips

Step into the captivating world of Square Magic Tulips! When lit, the mirror unveils a stunning tulip display, bringing the beauty of nature right into your home.

Mirror Effect

Elevate any space with the Square Magic Tulips Light. Starting as a sleek mirror, it reveals a stunning display of glowing tulips when turned on. Its fusion of elegance and creativity instantly enhances any room.

It's a flawless mix of elegance and charm, guaranteed to light up any room and bring joy to your day. Embrace the magic and let Square Magic Tulips transform your space with its blossoming beauty!